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Milwaukee's Daily Magazine for Friday, April 12, 2013

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Results tagged with 'Now Playing'

Articles (145) - Blogs (0)



Even 20 years later, "Jurassic Park" still has the power to awe

Published April 10, 2013

You would think that a movie like a 3-D conversion re-release like "Jurassic Park 3D" would be the opposite of a cure. After all, what could generate more cynicism than a 3-D re-release, the modern definition of a Hollywood money grab? Yet somehow, "Jurassic Park 3D" is exactly what weary moviegoers needed, still showing the power film has to stir the imagination and invigorate our sense of wonder.


"Evil Dead" remake a fairly groovy gore-filled freak-out

Published April 6, 2013

Fanboys, you have nothing to be afraid of. Maybe I should rephrase that, since as a horror movie, "Evil Dead" has to plenty of squirm-inducing, cringe-worthy material that will likely have even some of the thicker-skinned gorehounds watching the movie through their fingers. When it comes to the legacy of the beloved low-budget cult classic "The Evil Dead," however, there is no reason to be scared.


Alien romance "The Host" is sci-fi at its smallest

Published April 3, 2013

"The Host" features a global alien invasion, the struggle for human survival and grand vistas of the American west, complete with gorgeous sandy dunes and massive rock formations. Yet somehow, despite all of that epic material, it feels small. There's no sense of the stakes at either a global or personal level. It's a fight for humanity with not too much fight and not a whole lot of humanity either.


Brainless "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" a real American zero

Published April 2, 2013

So far this year, all the big blockbuster action movies - like "A Good Day to Die Hard" and its slightly more tolerable cousin "Olympus Has Fallen" - act as though they have a license to kill brain cells. Worst of all, they only provide marginally diverting action to make up for it. Now there's the long awaited "G.I. Joe: Retaliation," the most mind-numbing of the bunch.


Say yes to the authentic Chilean political drama "No"

Published March 31, 2013

"No," director Pablo Larraín's Academy Award nominated Chilean film, isn't simply set in the late '80s. It feels like you've been just dropped into the '80s for two hours. The movie has a marvelous sense of place and time, while also telling a story about the mixing of politics and advertising that feels as relevant as ever.

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